After living in (the site is down now, but all the contents have been moved here) for close to four years, I’m glad to announce that we’ve moved to our new site (pun intended). I’m really excited about the revamping of the blog. For some time I had beenContinue Reading

Lift your eyes to meet the horizon and tell me what you see. I see 2019 encroaching with the confidence of a war horse, bringing with it bags and bags of blessings and grace.   It’s been an amazing year so far on the blog and as this year blowsContinue Reading

This is not me trying to be modest, I’m simply being honest. Every good and perfect thing I have in my chest -Of treasures, Ranging from the greatest To the very least Come from above, Are all undeserved gifts from the father of love None can I lay claim of.Continue Reading