Down- The Conversation -Episode Three

Questions for the week:
*Mojoyin served humanity with a noble profession, she was devout, why should God allow life turn a mean face on her? Can you blame her for choosing to fight God back? Is bitterness ever justifiable?
*What are your thoughts on Andrew’s drastic decision?
The first answer came in from Iremide Akinsola:
Mojoyin served humanity with a noble profession, she was devout, why should God allow life turn a mean face on her? Can you blame her for choosing to fight God back? Is bitterness ever justifiable?
No. God is not to be blamed. Bitterness, humanly speaking, might be justified. But when we consider the depths of what God saved us from, it is greater than we can ever imagined. So, we should not be bitter even though it could be very difficult.
Also, sad experiences can be channeled appropriately and use to generate something better. “Ashes can make the best fertilisers”, you know.
She could adopted children or become a frequent visitor to help and give to motherless and needy children instead of what she did.
*What are your thoughts on Andrew’s drastic decision?
Ah. This one is strong. I feel he reacted in the heat of the moment. Honestly. It’s tough. Very tough. That’s all I can say..
And the second from Enobong Iqua-Ibom:
I feel what happened to Mojoyin was a test…she failed…she not only failed but she was also demoted. She reacted the way she did because she was focused on her lack and not on the provider. No one is responsible for how you react to a situation no matter what…most of us have heard this..” You have a right to be that way cos of what happened to you…but you don’t have a right to stay that way”… That statement us applicable to her bitterness.
Andrew reacted that way cos he lost sight of Christ at that moment in time and he became natural. He lost hope…it wasn’t what he wanted so he threw it away.
Blogger’s comment:
As regards Mojoyin’s case, stuff happens to everyone at some point or the other, but we must not let bad stuff turn us into bad people. Bitterness is never justified if God’s standard is what we are going by… No matter how logical it seems.
I totally agree with both thoughts on Andrew’s action.. He was rash and also lost sight of God. May God help us to always keep our eyes on him even when the storm is really distracting.
Mr. Ire and Ms. Eno sure deserve serious accolades for their consistency. I am grateful.
See you on Wednesday with the next episode of Down

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