Hey #CFCfam, I have seriously missed this space… The past two months have been hectic and at a point I was without a phone, hence the break in transmission. I really do apologize. Normally this post is supposed to be up tomorrow but then,  I’ve so missed blogging that I can’t wait for the regular blog days -which are Wednesdays and Sundays- Y’all should pray for me and this blog.
Okay,  so today I just want to share a poem and thoughts. This piece is titled, The Tale Of A Priceless Pottery.
I moulded this pottery,
A masterpiece it was,
Each arch on its flowery pattern, intentional,
Each dent and curve, deliberate.
Every bit of it’s seeming uncomeliness
Wittingly put there to serve a purpose.
After I was done,
I took a step back,
Sighed and said ‘Good.’
This piece of art,
This vessel, was dear to my heart.
But I trusted you so much
That I gave this masterpiece to you.
I trusted you so much that I didn’t
Make a clone.
Then you take this perfect earthen jar
That only needs to be filled with the right content,
And you start chiseling off it’s uniqueness.
Striking it with deforming blows,
As you try to make it conform into the form
Of the vessels you saw the other day.
You are one thing–

In January we had a series of poem tagged ‘be-you-to-full’ under the pour-em-s poem series, and it was basically about maximizing YOU. Today I see each one of us as a gift from God to us. Our personalities and all, entrusted to us. God didn’t make two MEs and I’m sure he didn’t make two YOUs. so trying to play someone else is simply not wise.
2 Corinthians 10: 12 For we dare not number ourselves, or compare ourselves, with some who commend themselves. For in measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, they are not wise.
Comparing yourself with someone else or using someone else as your yardstick in life is needless.
Have a great day ❤


  1. Wonderful God bless you.May I not change the figure and curves that God entrusted unto me(i.e myself)

  2. What a beautiful masterpiece 🙏

  3. Lovely. God increase you bro

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