As small and boneless as it is,                   A red piece of rug that it seems,
It could build up, restore
And rejuvenate.
It can technically give life.
But that’s not all it can do,
It could hack down destinies,
Destroy hope
And in general maim lives.
It all depend on how it’s wielded.
How do you wield your tongue?
So many lives have been murdered,
Many dreams shattered,
Embers of passion and zeal smouldered
And great ideas smothered.
Just by the misuse of the tongue.
The tongue isn’t just another
It’s a privilege.
A privilege given you by God.
The question now is;
What will you do with this great tool?
Will you use it build up lives,
Or raze them down?
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Proverbs 18:21 (NIV)
Let your conversation be always full of grace,
seasoned with salt,
so that you may know how to answer everyone
Col 4:6 (NIV)
Every blessing


  1. timely hint.. more unction to function well in Jesus name .

  2. Tongue, :May the Lord help us to control our tongue so that it will not send us to hell at last.
    Good work dear, keep it up 😱

  3. One piece that makes learn to have a peace deal in all our conversation

  4. Great piece!
    God bless you sir for sharing this.

  5. The one who masters the tongue will be a master of many things

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